Saturday, 30 June 2012

Focus On who you are

everyone focuses on what they what to achieve in life, you set goals and work towardsa them, how many people focus on who they are, you have to know who you are before you can set any goals, you have to know your strength, weakness, and most of all your personality will play a big part of it.
dreaming about ambitious things is all well and good but doesnt mean shit if you dont know fuck all about yourself.
i can only use myself as an example. but before i do the best thing you can do is 1, admit your weakness, 2, know your weakness (2 different things) the reason why its more important than your strengths is that most of us are self confident and know were good and fail to see whats not so to know your weakness first is more importants.
right this is me.
1. I'm strong headed and I dont forgive/forget (yes this is a weakness)
2. I listen to advice but 90% dont follow the advice
3. I am selfish (to some extent)
4. I'm a team player but prefer to did it by myself
5. I'm unsociable
6. I dont trust

good thing this isnt a date because im not painting a good picture of my self, but thats only what it looks like, these are the things i know about me, and whats important is that you know yourself so that when it comes to that time where you need to adapt then you can choose to, for example, i dont like anyone knowing my work for fear of copyright and stealing ideas etc, but every now and then i take the plunge of sending a script to someone, so i conquer my personality weakness and adapt.  what you must understand is that a weakness is not a weakness but its part of our defence to.

at the end of the day, if you know your self you know where to aim.
stay focued.


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