Saturday, 12 May 2012

On the right Path

Not many chances come across your path in this life time, its usually because those people that have made it are fed up of the leaches who come at them when they have made it and just say fucking ill just keep myself to myself, this is undersatndable until you find that rare person who is willing to say "you know what i'll take a listen to what you have to say"
i hope that when i get to that stage of my life i will be able to say the same thing and be in a position to help others (more than i do now)
Basically i have been given a link to sed a certain person 3-5 tracks, now within my archive i have 3000+ and counting so being picky is a nightmare, they are all different flavours , so i sent 4 of my personal favourate that i have never let anyone hear before.
If it works out, fantastic if not i will still be pleased to of had the opportunity and you never know with music, something you do today might be the thing of the future, not everything is right now.

keep that thought next time you feel your work isnt taking you anywhere.

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