Wednesday, 16 November 2011

The Dream

I get this question popping up a few times. Q: you do all these things so why arn't you rich
A: who said I'm not? Ok I'm not LOL but it's not about getting rich but recognised. I'm not going to bore the shit out of you with what my ultimate goal is. But there is a plan. You stick to yours and I'll stick to mine. I was speaking to a few friends yesterday (following my boring morning at Vauxhall waiting on my car) and we were talking about her business that she wants to start but she was scared/nervous which made me think. You know what sometimes so am I but I focus on the goal ahead rather than the struggle because we struggle every day in life. Some times enough is enough and we have to take the leap of faith.
It's true what they say. Without fear you wouldn't know your alive.
Embrace that.

On a final note

Good morning and stay productive.



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