Tuesday, 21 May 2013

38 Special Tales

Not having luc with these jumped up mixtape sites that have forgotten that it indie artists that make them, Ive decided to fu them of and just give links out myself via sendspace so you know that the availability will be short so you need to download it asap,

38 Special Tales is a cmbination of all themixtapes i have done, the reason why was due to thatmixtape.com wiping out my tracks and not even informing me that my track were gon, the excuse was it was a accident and there working on putting them back, YEP bullshit, anyway fuck em I ride solo, so rather uploading them all up i just compiled the best tracks,

Im currently working on The secrets of war mixtape as well as a EP titled Money never sleeps  and then I will concertrate on dropping something official.

so here it is, just click on the picture and download. spread the word or even stick it on your web/blogs/tweets les ge this thing popping off.

Be easy. Peace


BIG P aka William Phillippe has FINALLY dropped a single, long awaited indeed, Im not going to go into the history but just break down the craftsmanship in this self produced,written,recorded masterpiece. Fuck it just go check it out for yourselves

 That It Should Come to This - Single by William Phillippé

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Badge of Honour

As you know on May 4th 2013 a friend and I did the toughmudder, I have not gotten the official photos but here are some battles scars for you


same tim next year tough mudders

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Toughmudder 2013

Tough mudder 2013

Lets just say this.
This is the hardest thing I've done.
For all those that don't know about toughmudder just google it
There is no exaggeration on the dvd either.
Most memorable event was the mud mile. That's one dangerous event.
By the 10th mile I had pulled all the muscles in my legs with 4 obstacles to go. 
Ok here is the pledge I will be doin it again next year so if you want to roll with me and my team. Lets do this.
It's hard as fuck but you have to do it.
Love the pain with a passion

Till next year tough mudders peace

Friday, 3 May 2013


Ok it's been a while and one a month isn't really good enough I guess. But you know when I come I give you that good stuff. So what's been happening? Well lets break this down. 
Although Filming has been a disaster least not to say the writing has been productive I've just finished a compilation books of some of my scripts. Shorts and features, volume one adds up 500 pages. Hopefully volume two will get there to. Currently on 100 pages the reason behind it was just to keep a copy of all the scripts. Hopefully one day I can get to film more work it's really frustrating esp when 50 percent of your team are ready and it's just that one that says they can't and you have to hunt around again. So that's the filming or should I say that's not the filming.
Music wise were just recording the secrets of war mixtape which will be the last one for a while as we're concentrating on more production work. Also I'm abut pissed of with the mixtape host who accidentally deleted all my mixtapes so what were going to do is just compile the best of all four mixtapes and put that out for you to download for FREE so look out for that in June with the mixtape not far behind.
Other things in the pipeline. Look out for a new online magazine called Reign of which I'm involved with. It's started up by my cousin and to be honest I'm just her advisor it getting the project off the ground. The magazine is very strong in design, articles and overall presentation and I don't think you will be disappointed in the outcome so look out for Reign. Ill give you the heads up before we launch.
Ok last of all les chat about the state of HipHop
Cos it's in a mess. I'm not feeling a lot of these new artists. There is. Lot of pretentious crap with no content or direction even with r&b the concepts are the same. Bitches blunts bottles and money. All very boring. It's ok for a one track but not everytime you open your mouth.
At the moment I'm listening to
NORE student of the game
LL cool J new album
Snooplion (trying to let it grow on me)
Kendrick Lemar
Young Jezzy it's the world mixtape
Fabulous soul tape2 
Justin Timberlake 20/20

And some old Jodeci/changing faces/ Keith sweat

As you can see just a handful 

Ok so until next time  lets peace out