Tuesday, 30 October 2012


B2TB aka Black 2 The Block


This download is an exclusive before the official download via Thatmixtape.com where you can still download No Compromise & 44 inch chest.

Click the Icon, DownLoad, Thug Out, tell a friend, blog,Tweet, Facebook it and enjoy

Mad Luv Ya Boy FARMBOY

Monday, 29 October 2012

The Chosen Few Synopsis

It's Halloween 2012 (13). The last Halloween humanity will ever remember. Gart a medical scientist has been contracted by the military to enhance a military weapon which will create the ultimate soldier during combat. The experiment was firstly performed on animals which was a success the animals could endure pain and still continue. One even died and came back to life.
The experiment continued and soldiers were next in line to be tested on. The war was one. All the soldiers came back. But not alive.

The soldiers that died had come back to walk the earth as the undead those that came back alive didn't live long to tell there story.

The Script is complete and ready.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

1st Review

On the convo with Emc over the black to the block mixtape, i needed a neutral feedback before i dropped it at the end of the month.
Emc  "My Nigga"
Me     "whats up"
Emc "My Nigga, That shit is the bomb, king, shit I havent even got past track 9"

the rest is to long to type, but overall it was good.

I cant wait to share it with all of you,


Wednesday, 24 October 2012

1st Nov 2012



Monday, 22 October 2012

IT Vacancy

OK heres the deal, if you have IT skill and your looking for a new Job, here is the link


click on the vacancies then the rest id up to you.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

The Chosen Few

Ive been sent a link for a competition to send in a script, 15 pages blah blah blah, I havent got anything i'd like to sent, even though i have a few up my sleeve, so i'll write something fresh, the deadline is NOV 30th so plenty of time,
The Title of the script is called The Chosen few, based around Halloween but not a slash n shag script, this is some Apocalyptic shit, it \just happen to be a coincidence certain people meet. anyway nuff said -for now-

Further the first draft of my latest feature script has gone out and is awaiting feed back,
till then stay fresh

Friday, 19 October 2012

Dont get Nervous

ESBC East Barnet Shooting Club
Ok There are a few things you dont know about me, and we shall keep them that way, but for your information I have joined the above and its not the first time ive squeezed the trigger, lets just say since 9 and on serveral items.
neverless its fun and i'm learning a new style of shooting which is target shoot, this is the same form that they use in the olympics, does this mean that i will be going to rio, dont be an idiot, not unless its a free flight, cigars,rum and my goons with me.

this is from 10meteres (no Scopes) first time with this type of rifle, the other target was better 3 out of 5 bullseyes, and after an hour of shooting i had enough, ill keep you posted and remember guns dont kill people pride does.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

2 tracks added

I scrapped the Motivation Titled track, it was pissing me of so 2 new tracks will be recorded 2morrow and then awaiting vocals from Emc then were done, The upload will be scheduled for the end of the month so between now and then i'll think of a cover to design and then start the Non-Production for the next one, your confused right? good, that way you dont know what i'mm up to, all will be explained in due time, hopefully i can get more people to feature on the next one, if not say la ve as they say and i'll bang on it myself, the concept etc is all layed out, what the fuck you expect from me though eh.

apart from the music, the ending of the new script is taking form and i'll look forward to sharing that with you once i've contacted all the relevant people etc
till then keep mean muggin an thuggin

Til The End
Pe-ACE #1

Thursday, 11 October 2012


The Rapper/Director/Farmboy Records Partner/Friend and one of few that i trust, so we had a conversation today as i sent him a track to feature on, and just as he answers whats playing in the background, but the same track, and he aint listening to the beat, hes listening to what is being said, why you ask because Emc wants to top whoever is featuring, I usually make it a rule not to sent track with the vocals already on it just because of the competitivness but it doesnt faze me, but i did expose the fact to him and it was all love, we had a laugh cos its cool and  we feed of each other anyway,

so like i said i have 2 more tracks to finish, and then its all eyes on me (Pac) ive listen to it 5 times now and I think you'll like it, but i will let you be the judge of that, next years mixtape will be sick, i'm NOT producing a single track but the sound will be epic, 

I should really do a proper Album, but its not time yet. i mentally need to be ready for that because i would want to give to you a concept like no other.

so just to revise B2TB black 2 the block is Political,Thugged Out,Motivational and straight to the point. Whats the Message? well for you it will be a lot of different things

for me its the following

Fuck crooked/racist police
Fuck Rapists and abusers of children
Fuck Haters
Respect to my hustlers trying to make a better way
Respect to women (however the track Xrated isnt- double standard i know but listen to i care)

but like i said everyone will take what they want from each track.

PE-ace #1

2 Different worlds update

here is a screen shot and a V cover sample for you to check out, when i get the links for the film ill post it up for your pleasure, dont forget to follow the big homiie on twitter
@damienswaby @nbsfilms
Be Easy

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Black 2 The Block Finale

So here is the official track listing for the mixtape, as  you can see the listing is shorter than the original list, but as you know its not about quantity so here it is, However The last Track is the only track that will be re-written, i thought the playback was shit so its being done again, the next time you see me blog black to the block, expect to see artwork and download link.

  1. RealNi**as Intro
  2. The Message
  3. I Care
  4. Baptise Them
  5. All Eyes On Me Remix
  6. XRated
  7. Freestyle
  8. I Do It Easy
  9. I'm So London
  10. I'm Sick
  11. All Eyes On Me-Original
  12. Glamour Life
  13. Make A Move
  14. Freestyle feat EL-EMC-Balance (awaiting EMC vocals)
  15. Motivation (re-writing lyrics)

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Have You Ever Seen A Real Angel

Its very rare for me to be inspired by other people, why? because most of us are selfish, not in a bad way ,were justtaking care of business or trying to better ourselfs, cool!.
but every now and then we come across that certain someone that knocks the word progression into perspective.
Everyday is a hustle and some of us just find it hard to maintain one job, tell you what how about doing a voluntary job to help young offenders/addicts to make them fell better about themselves and reagain not only self respect put to be able to hold there head up high and be rejoined into society. i dont think I myself or alot of people i know could do that, i mean go out full force and help individuals like that on top of family reponsibilities.
Well luck for you and more so for me i have the utmost pleasure of knowing HarshTv Harsharan who IS and WILL BE a very very important person to reckon with,
so here is what i would love you to do, firstly READ, DIGEST http://maidiecreate.blogspot.co.uk/ then subscribe and keep up to date with her moves, and if your inspired scroll down to the bottom of the page and give a donation,

All i can say is Harsharan your amazing, i got alot of love for you, not just because of your services but just the way you think and work and execute to full fill your goals, An inspirational woman indeed.

Follow @HarshTv on twitter and support positive people with positive actions.

Thats it, now you can tell the world you know of an angel

Friday, 5 October 2012

Support indiefilm

I know I know, your proberly sick and tired of seeing my say it, but its a must, try me.
First up (twitter) @damienswaby has just completed 3 indie shorts and is getting ready to launch at the end of the month, i dont think you heard me, THATS 3 M.F FILMS so as you can see from the behind the scene shots we work hard up on this, so when i say support I dont mean money (however some change is always a good help) we need you to blog,tweet,spread the word, youtube/facebook likes all of the above, if you help us grow you grow to.
As ive said before i alwas help funding via indiegogo, at the moment i only have scripts been written but working on funding to shoot a trailer for birth of a wolf.
were just some of many so please continue to support indie film.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

New Vocals

Just awaiting some epic vocals
The 9th Oct 2012 will be a very busy day. the countdown clock is rolling. I know its not on the blog side but i'm currently doing some back to back work with 2 hours sleep in between, th im fucking killing myself here. all for the good cause i have you. so if you just catch a one liner its because thats all i can give,
forgive. Peace