Monday, 31 October 2011

No Compromise

For the link click onto August's post and download that for free, then stick it in your car/ipod/mp3 player then ryde hard on everyone an tell there's no fucking compromise

Despite My mood/actions

Please don't forget to log on/subscribe to the first of every month for the exclusive Blog Hotspot hosted by your boy (me) First Edition 1-4-2011 come an get it.


In short Fuck The World, as you can guess I'm having a shit night, to the point that I'd probably fight the first person who looks at me wrong, don't ask because I'm not going to get into it with you, just know I'm fucked off and its going to be a very long time before i calm down.

I'm going to try and get into this work and take my mind away from any surrounding issues, I'm actually going to listen to my own advice before my actions make things worse, not that i would regret it because i don't give a fuck,

Anyway enough said.


Sunday, 30 October 2011

What Album Reflects you

The Answer is:

2pac me against the world


Jodeci Diary of a mad band.

Another Night

Back in the lab, everything is good tonight, thought I'd get this blog in while i can, just finished some freshly cooked pasta which was of the hook, i wanted more but didn't want to look like a savage (plus someone brought in homemade lemon cake and may i saw of the fucking hook) right so whats new, well i had 3 mac's and just sold one of them lol so now i have 2. one for pre-production the other for everything else.
anyway I'm here another night and considering the clocks went back and i had an extra hour here I'm doing ok.
The progress on the new book is going good, i have set the story and now just doing a little research and developing the character, my aim is to make you love him and then hate him, but the hate wont come until part 2 is written.
Due to the fact that I'm working throughout the night i can only do so much but next week i will be able to do more even if i shut down everything and give myself 2hours of writing a day that will be cool.
One of my lovely friends said yesterday she don't know how i do all of this and fit everything in. babe i still don't know, we just do it (no Nike promo)
i guess I'm doing this until I'm happy with the results Ive made, you have to keep trying to better yourself everyday. it doesn't matter what your doing be the best or be in that position that no one can fuck with you.

so that's my update for tonight i guess, when i get all my new equipment and set it up the next blog you will get is links to more free shit, one day it will be nice if you pay me LOL, yeah right that's what i thought.

so on this and that note, love peace and all that good stuff you deserve.


Only cry in happiness, its the only thing worth crying for

Saturday, 29 October 2011


The smallest pleasures in life are the most memorable and greatest

Dedicated To You From Me.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Next Book

Its been in my brain for a while, ever since i finished the last book, so now that Ive handed my brothers keeper over into the hands of a reliable source I'm starting the new book titled Mother Russia. the story is about a young guy who goes down the wrong path to a world of crime, he tries to be a modern day robin hood but old habits soon catch up with him. emotionally he is fucked and feels like he has been short changed with love from his mother. life goes on till it all goes wrong, the rest your just going to have to wait and read.

I'm writing this as a back up and continuation from the first one, i don't want to be in that position where a company likes it and then says " okay were ready for the next one now" don't want to look like some cunt with no vision or someone who just does one thing and sits on their hands for the rest of the duration.

Apologies for the language but if i don't express the true me then i would be cheating you.

well i have only just started this so i will keep you posted, there wont be a rush on it so it will be a while.

Man V Monster

Man V Monster is one of the album titles i have chosen, the concept around the idea is that in stead of you battling against everyone to get to the top the only true person you should be battling is yourself, conquer you inner demons and you will find happiness.
this battle wont be an easy one so the album will have different angles and problems that we all face on a daily basis, some political some financial some emotional and the rest of the cargo that we drag along on a daily basis, so yeah that's one of the concepts of which can cover alot of different angles.

Production will start sometime next week, so i have ordered another apple mac and i will be keeping that in my rucksack, so now i have 3 apple macs so the productivity will be second to none, however i still love going to my mums house where all my live equipment is still based, i can lock myself away and get some serious pre-production done. i definitely could do with a bigger house, I'd constantly work from home day and night and everyone would come down and get shit done, ill keep dreaming along side you guys.

Thanks 4 Reading

S/O 2 U

Thursday, 27 October 2011

The Longest Night

Peoples Apologies in advance I did have something for you but the entire system went down hence me typing this out at 0511
whats whats new for you?, you need to check out the track F.A.M.E on this is be one of the singles added to the album, we did a play preview last night and it definitely hit the spot so it was agreed, the only thing is that they wanted to over saturate it with several remixes, i disagreed because it will make it sound shit, but what do i know eh?

also have a spoken words track to produce for a story telling song which will be spoken (if that makes sense) but i will add a twist to it, I'm guessing it's going to be like a poetry song? but on a specific topic.

next up I'm going to order another apple mac and have to pre production studios as going back and forth is becoming to much at the moment, I'm guessing this is my Christmas present to myself, nice eh buying yourself a gift for work lol,

I think i have covered it for last night, so right now I'm going to sign off, check my 100 emails, drive home, sleep, wake up, call Paul then whoop his ass in a race,

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

The countdown begins

Ok i will be to the point on this

6 days to go
1st of every month
Blogspot Hotspot at HarshTv

log on and subscribe 

Book Update

If you have been following you would have known i wrote a book, Ive left it in the hands of Mr Swaby who has put it in the hands of someone who can possible make things happen, (hope she likes it lol)

update to follow when i get one.


I think the hardest  thing about blogging is finding a flipping title. anyway i nearly had kittens today, i thought i lost my portable hard drive, guess who found it, good old mum, i left it at her house, anyway i got 3 hours sleep today, got up and went for a run in the rain, i told Paul that the race he won was his last, i ain't playing, i was so pissed of at myself that day, i am my worst enemy, so anyway my next run is on Friday and that will be equivalent of a half a marathon, Paul recons hes going to be training for Friday, let me say this now, you wont even be able to see him in a rear view, let me break down my track record for you, now originally I'm a sprinter, 100m,200,400, 4x4 relay, long jump and javelin, pretty much so , i got chosen to represent for Essex but i had other things to do, my fastest time (at the time was 11.28 for the 100m, 22.4 200m 47.55 400m) not bad eh, well I'm pleased with it, martial arts studied, Wadaroo, tang su du and Jujitsu, also did some boxing and judo, boxing when i did my military training, if anything i would of stayed in the military and become a PT officer, unfortunately things changed and i had to do something else. anyway not to divert from the running by it was Paul who introduced me to long distance running and 3 years on were still going,

point being, none? lol just letting you know I'm gonna whoop him come Friday, (bet he calls me to say he cant make it lol)

Peace Fam

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Whats Up World

Ive been up since 4am sending emails and submitting tracks all over the world, its been a headache all morning, still we do it for the love cos its what we do. hopefully i will get a fucking break out of it one day eh. at this moment I'm back home, blogging my ass of and eating a apple (keeping the doctor away) still in pain I'm afraid but fuck it i have no time for pain at the moment, I'm just going to get as much rest as i can before i hit this session tonight, hustle mode back to back, also we got the countdown to the blogspot hotspot at HarshTv so make sure your there with me aight.

Ok people be easy. 1Love

Monday, 24 October 2011

Back on a mission

Tomorrow night i will be back to my usual busy self. i have several things i need to put together regarding commitments Ive signed to, with the day and night situation i will be burning the candle at both ends, giving every push 100% have to be up on my A game, eyes are watching, to many eyes sometimes, don't you feel that everyone is waiting for you to make your move just so that they can make theirs? i think they do it just to see if it can be done, some people build their confidence so much that when it comes down to it, they fear the unknown, how will you ever know if you don't take that final step, and you cant feel the experience by watching someone take that step. be brave and do it. what is the worst that can happen?
so I'm putting a story board together, i have loads of writing to do and two meetings I'm aware of until i check my emails closer to the day as last minute changes seem to love to kick me in the bollocks these days, thank god for creativity an fucking brains eh.

but i will tell you i fucking hate the most, is people to waste my time and try to feed the bull bullshit, i hate listening to pipe dream stories or can you submit this stories, that's why there is no more chasing allowed anymore and i already told them, don't be asking me for shit or to do shit, as for the storytelling fuckers, go in your pocket and pull out 60pence, now phone someone who gives a fuck. i get paid to get the job done, period.

don't get me wrong there is a difference to having a dream and going for it rather than ramming your dream down someones throat trying to look for a hand out. that not how it works. and worst thing about the entertainment business, music,film etc, everyone is doing it so you have the biggest fight on your hands there my friend.

so anyone who wants to work with me just remember this for free, i ain't free, just like you.

The Road Ahead

life has a funny way of showing you that things might looked fucked up or there is no light at the tunnel, but like i said to a very good friend of mine, never look at the picture that's in front of you. sometimes have to take the path that is given to us, we might not like the path but just treat it like medicine, i mean have you ever heard of a medicine that taste nice and makes you better, exactly there is no such thing because they all taste like shit, but, they make you feel better, this concept is the same as the path, it will build you character to let you know that if you can deal with this shit you can deal with anything, as long as your mind is still focused on the true path. never fall into the trap of easy money, this is the killer of all dreams.

I could go on but i can see you get the picture. P's if i told you my dream you would piss yourself laughing so i will keep it to myself, i think only 3 people know and i will keep it that way. your dream is your dream and no matter what it is as long as its important to you then that is all that matters.

A horse on its last leg

Got taught a lesson today by my homeboy Paul. we do our training together, running/marathons etc. anyway i haven't been to good lately with external and a internal injury which i have no idea what it is and I'm to stubborn for the doctors, the external is just a knee which comes and goes, anyway not to bitch like a old woman but i really thought i was fit, and after an hour of hill running i was messed up, now your thinking an hour! What!, but really that ain't nothing, i just felt fucked, and on top of that Paul the M.F beat me in the sprint at the end (this is unheard of lol) anyway gonna switch it up and WHOOP him on the next run.
This Horse has a few more grand nationals left,

on that note


Sunday, 23 October 2011

You Dont Know Me

Ive been told off by popcorn ass about not being up to date on my blogs, apologies in advance, ill tell you what i told her, Ive been working my bollocks off.
Right so what have i been up to, well as per the previous blog, Ive been preparing for the blog hotspot for harshTv as well convincing others not to be be to pushy and concentrate on there projects, apparently i have motivated a few people, that's all well and good but you still need to make that move. so anyway i had a meeting today (yeah i know its a Sunday but that don't mean shit when your mind is working) the topic as bear in mind this person has known me for approx 19 years.
what am i doing with the mixtape? its hot, im setting you up with choice FM for a interview do you want to do it? my answer was no, next, i get get you to do a feature at brixton to do a performance, come on stage and just hold it down and Friday and Saturday night, what you think? my answer was no.
you surprised, that's because you don't know me.
I'll break it down and hopefully you can get to see my side of the picture.
1- I'm not doing no interview with anyone unless i see money on the table, the DJ gets paid for his work so you can pay me, they liked what they heard and they want me in to do a live show, they get paid for that, so should i, i don't give a fuck about the exposure, i really don't hats not what i am about, if i wanted it i would have my face on a billboard by now, what i have is raw and uncut and they want it but cant have it until i say so, the mixtape is a intro, these twats think its a album, nope its a mixtape, period.
2- the same goes with the performance, plus all these things take time as in time to do it, I'm already busy and i can just about get a window to blog lol, not complaining, these are just the facts.

the conversation continued but at the end i just felt although Ive known him for over half my life but its good to see that i still have his brain ticking, its good, i don't want people to know me, to predict my moves or my thoughts when that day comes whats the point?

i told him before, the project i have in plan is bigger than just putting out music, the picture is bigger that the one you can see, there's no point me even telling you, but as you read,see,listen and comprehend you will see the picture take form, forget the fame even forget the money its not that important, when it comes you will see.

so on that note, this blog is done. hope you have all had a good weekend and stay posted.


Saturday, 22 October 2011


For among other evils caused by being disarmed, it renders you contemptible; which is one of those disgraceful things which a prince must guard against.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Friday, 21 October 2011

Welcome to the Hotspot

Ya Boy doing good peoples, ok here it is once a month i'm going to be doing a Blogspot hotspot for the HarshTV blogsite Hosted by My new Buddy Harsharan Landan, im going to be bringing you info and upto date events that are taking place so if you follow me please follow HarshTv (click on the name for the link) this will be kicking of in november so please follow.

we like to keep this moving so lets go, I'll also post my blogs as normal so don't worry there.

Peace, 2012 making positive moves, I'm excited for this,

Team Farmboy/HarshTV.

next stop the world.

All Done in a day

The Feed My Hunger EP is done, and i  have to say it sounds TIGHT. very pleased with today and we had some serious fun, so as promised here is the link BUT your only going to get the 2 tracks of it

1-F.a.m.e (fuck all my enemies)
2-Salute (which originally was the freestyle but we changed it to a track)

Available At

Thursday, 20 October 2011

One Day

I was speaking online to about four different people at the same time (as well as checking on my ebay lol) when it occurred to me that some of the people who i speak to everyday i have never even met yet,not for being  rude just busy and have never had the time, but we speak, some professional some casual or both, one of them Ive known for about 3 years, crazy huh?
so this blog is to say "one Day" we will meet, and have a coffee/mojito,whatever, still were all professionals so its all good, i don't even see my other friends that much, life is a funny game but it shows you who really stands by your side even after all this time.

so on that note I'll leave you with this I have been honoured by a dear friend of my to host a hotspot on her blog site once a month, (so its like a blog in a blog) ill give you all the details etc and post it up, shes a woman after my own heart (no not a vampire) shes highly motivated, productive and don't sleep lol just like me, she's going to be very big and i hope i can help her along the way, because that's what its all about in business you do what you can for others and your rewards will be greater, don't be another corporation that just enters the game and just rapes us from beginning to end, give something, something personal and attentive, so that's what were doing next (on top of everything else) so i have emailed the forces and await there input to make the first edition something to bang on about.

As for tomorrow, studio so I'm blogged out, love n Peace.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Here's a joke for you

Vampire Tea
A vampire walks into a bar and asks the bartend for a glass of hot water. The bartend is a little confused but hands the vampire what he order. An hour later another vampire comes into the bar and asks for a glass of hot water. The bartender becomes more confused but gives the vampire what he order. A few seconds later another vampire walks in and asks for the same thing, a glass of hot water. The bartend couldn't  take it anymore and finally asked what it was for i thought u guys like blood The vampire pulled out a used tampon from his pocket and says, it's for my tea.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011


Death solves all problems - No man, no problem.

Joseph Stalin (1879 - 1953)

The writer is the engineer of the human soul.

         Joseph Stalin (1879 - 1953)

Track Listing

had a late one, planning for Friday, so far everything is looking nice, hope so as last week was shit for me (didn't really do as much as i could off) so the Feed My Hunger EP is looking nice its going to be 4 Tracks and a freestyle, on this particular one i didn't do any of the production, I'm just arranging and engineering on it. but i will be doing the next one, even if its just one track.
so that's where we stand at the moment.
Track Listing

1-F.A.M.E fuck all my enemies
2-Feed My Hunger
3-I Do This For You
4-Come And Get Me

All Free (thought you like that) when its up I'll holla.

The Theory Of Life

Ive had this conversation with several friends before and i will explain the conclusion. the question was why are we here?
This was my answer (try and keep an open mind)

God is God no matter the religion or the form, in every eye he will always be a God.

every person on earth is an angel, even the rapist's murderers, wife beaters, racists everyone you consider evil they are angels to.

So Here's Gods Plan
to send all his angels (us) to earth to monitor and gather information, the information will consist of how we feel, what makes us tick, what we would do in certain situations etc, but here's the catch, god purposely creates us good and bad for this experiment to be carried out.

- you still with me?

God causes all the misery, death , destruction etc to see how we behave, but why you ask?

God doesn't want us to be perfect he want you to be you and to be aware of you so you know what your doing so that you can be a better you, this is my theory anyway. regardless of what you will do you will always go to heaven, when you get there God will judge you on how well you lived your life that you was given, did you learn how to be good,respectful, did you teach,motivate others to achieve and be productive and serve a purpose to the life given to you?

like i said its my theory, think what you like, see you in heaven.

Actions Reflect Leadership

Are you a wolf or a sheep?

its a simple question, and don't answer it in a way to make yourself look tough, you are what you are and whatever you are you can always better yourself to be a little bit greater, sometimes in this miserable world of ours you will find yourself alone, even in a crowded room, i suggest you reflect withing yourself and see where you would like to be, don't forget to be realistic and stop dreaming about winning the lottery, if that was to be it would be. what I'm trying to say is this.

whatever you are you have to aim to be the best not for self happiness but for the greater of good, your actions are being watched without you even knowing your being watched, weather from enemies,friends,competition, etc you are constantly being watched and most of it is admiration (even from those that want to see you fail).

so now that your aware of who is watching what are you going to do about it?

A: Be a wolf.
lead yourself/team be the one that they watch, show them how to run the business the way you run it, like a oiled machine, even though you might not have all the answers your not afraid to ask another who does and the person you do is equally a wolf otherwise you wouldn't go to them, eventually you will create a pack and eventually you will eat all the sheep.

Be A Wolf.


I cannot teach you violence, as I do not myself believe in it. I can only teach you not to bow your heads before any one even at the cost of your life.

Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, 17 October 2011

In A Slump

I guess that's the wrong title to use for this blog but i couldn't really think of one (well its 0639 so give me a brake)

even though I've been quite busy,its been quiet (if that makes sense) so I'm taking it easy until Friday, i sustained another injury on my knee (its not because I'm old either, yes i know your thinking it, yeah you)(wink wink) but anyway I'll still push it to the max.

So yeah Friday we start the EP Feed My Hunger -4 tracks, simple and sweet. out of the 4 we will pick the best one to release and stick it on itunes for you and depending on others a video my just drop, the cover is already thought of so the project shouldn't take to long (unlike the mixtape lol)

Tuesday 25th were writing this script although i should stop because I'm not going to meet the deadline but i should finish it, gutted on that one but such is life in learning, so i will just have to see how that pans out.

so whats the slump, guess I'm just tired, nothing a coffee and a slap cant fix eh. okay I'm up now.
people, thanks for your time, have a good morning/day.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Lets Motivate each Other

"OK you sorry excuse for a soldier get your arse up" i can still hear my old drill Sergeant screaming over me as i continue to throw up after PT. still its apart of what makes me who i am today. we need positive people in our life's to mould and create us into the better us, my drill Sergeant was one of them, my dad is definitely one of them as to is my mother and a few uncles, I'm from a older generation, yeah the one with rules, fear and respect. this unfortunately is not the case of some of the youth of today, its more of a don't give a fuck attitude, this isn't there fault as they have been let down, by the state, you and me, yep were to blame, we gave up to easy but then again were only human.
So this is what I'm saying and 2pac said it best, just take one at a time, take one person, motivate and mould them,(not to be a mini you but to be a good them) teach one then let that one pass on the teaching through example. don't rely on the system because that's just a convention of cunts trying to rule the world, we need to go back to basics on this, weather its being a mentor,role model, showing support or just listening it all makes a difference.
When we motivate other it motivates ourselves, it gives us purpose, now believe you and me, I'm not perfect and I'm very far from being an angel but my mind and heart is in the right place, you can only do so much but trying is more than doing nothing.

and on that note. we leave as we come, PEACE

Friday, 14 October 2011

There Is No Love In Business

First of all Good Morning 0615 right now, i was going to blog this last night but Ive had a early start this morning (0400 to be exact) still didn't stop me from getting a naughty fat full breakfast (eh i had to replenish the body) so anyway back to the title, i was thinking last night on several different things from, angle shots to the start of this new project I'm going to do to actually having a mock meeting and throwing certain questions (no i don't have a disorder) then i ending up talking to myself (NO,  NOT A DISORDER) and said "Jose its not fucking rocket science its business, offer the product at the cheapest rate you can afford and make a maximum profit, minimise your budget, make the sacrifice and reap the rewards".
Business has never changed, from cave man to modern man the hardest thing these days is finding the product that is not out there that everyone wants or to better a product that everyone needs, well no one said it was easy otherwise every twit would be rich, Just remember this when you get to the point of mass production, customer service (before/after).
Til then,bloggers,hiphoppers,popstars,singers,producers,entrepreneurs, and everyone with a dream.

Never Give Up Never Surrender (yes thats from the film Glalaxy Quest)

Have a good day

Elvis Has Left The Building

I was messing with my camera and took this picture of my soul leaving my body
some times its good to escape from the world but eventually we have to return.
until the end of time


I've been given a little nudge in the right direction as to submit ideas for new program ideas, currently working on one (haven't typed up much just the log) but the idea looks solid but i cant really work on it until the 22nd Oct, i wont stress how busy i am, but i am, most of my work is typed up on my iPhone so if you see a guy walking head down typing and not looking where there going its prob me, PS I'll have the Dre Monster headphones on (dead give away right)

before i bounce BIG shout out to
:D she knows LOL

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Past Production

Just looking through some old beats/videos etc and found the original No Compromise project, here's the link for you to take a listen,

No Compromise (click title for link)

Intro Beats (click tile for the link)

No Compromise FREE Mixtape 

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Feed My Hunger

Current Projects:
New EP Titled Feed My Hunger
Script: Knuckle, story of a bare knuckle fighter
Short film Script; 5 against 1 (plus i still have 4 other finished scripts that need filming)
Sitcom: Black Sabbath

plus some other pop up projects, mixtape features and the odd production

so ya boy is a busy boy

ps i still need my book proof read but that has been scheduled for the new year now as i keep adding to it (60000 words to be exact)

so yeah, so keep it locked, thanks for reading. Peace

Common Sense

"Some of The most intelligent people have no common sense at all"

it seems that in this day and age common sense is just thrown out of the window and we rely on so called intelligent people for our answers/guidance/solutions, what happened to our common sense? its like our brain has developed laziness and we rely on some jumped up twat because they happen to go to university unknown to us they failed to mention that they studied urban street talk and have managed to get the work bling into the dictionary (and you paid 9grand for that you thick prick).

personally i blame you (yourself) i relying on someone in the first place, next your going to tell me you trust the government? i bet you had ambition,goals and dreams once but was shut down because some rookie who just developed the knowledge of shaving told you no its not going to work there for you went back to your same old job, pulled out your iPhone, downloaded a game and stayed content.

I'll say this now to you, don't listen to people that cannot visualise your dreams, if they cannot see what your talking about then there is no point in telling them, gather people who are like minded and create your dream, it doesn't matter what it is because its your dream.

The advice you get its only valuable from the source it comes from, for example i don't take my business advice from a bank or some snot nose who studied business at some posh university, all my advice and requirements come from my father, why? because he is a business man. get the picture.

now days all the information you need or require is on the Internet don let negative big mouths block your goals especially when they don't even have a fucking clue themselves otherwise they wouldn't still be in the situation that there in, P's beware of the hustlers to, out to profit of your hard work and dreams.

OK so do i know what I'm talking about, fuck yeah, did i got to university?, no i turned it down because it was not for me, i knew what i wanted and i worked towards it, and now i have it, I've been working since the age of 11 and i would never change what i have done. don't get me wrong i have an education and i recommend you get one or work towards one but It is not the be to all ends, you need character,creativity,imagination based on reality,strive,ambition,dedication and guts, business is not rocket science  you find a product or service that society demand or need and you charge them for it, be fair and give 100% and more importantly shown what you stand for and give good customer service, your reputation will grow and so will your business and apart from legal advice or understanding the world will be yours.

A classic example of the topic is the Apprentice, don't get me wrong i love the program but the contestants on there whom are suppose to be these super smart educated lot have no common sense or creativity, this isn't a reflect to all but some, even though sir Alan sugar lays on the jobs for them which i think is the hardest part (seeking out someone/company to do business with you) they still get it wrong.

for those with outstanding ventures, don't worry its never to late to start, stay creative and use your common sense.

Go for it.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Say Cheese

Allow me to Introduce to you one of the members of the team Analicia Francis, Adobe photoshop addict, Photographer and secret singer, but don't ask her to sing because she will shut you down, if you scroll back to my first blogs you will see she did a fantastic job of us in the studio.
for more information, prices etc click on the picture to the site and hit her up.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Just The Link For You

Whats up people, I'm about to introduce you to a com padre of mine, he's a alround big hitter, Artist, Producer,Writer,Actor, Channel U hot spot, podcast host etc etc (get the picture right) Film and Music is his thing and he knows what he's talking about, well check out his website for all the information and details, we have worked together on some 2011 projects so i know for 2012 there will be more scheduled things, different labels but same focus, mentality and movement, so here you are.

I Introduce you to Damien Swaby.

Click Picture

Friday, 7 October 2011

Dedicated To Women

Heres 2 tracks for the ladies out there, dont worry if ya a thug you can bang it to,love and respect your woman, sometimes she is all you have.

Come Fly With Me

Tu Sabe

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

What A F'ing Day

Ive had a roller coaster of a day, I'm not one to moan but fuck me how many hurdles do you have to jump to get where you want to go.

you know what. fuck it lets bang on, you have to keep moving forward. all i know is when i get there ill sit back and wait for the pricks that's turned me away to beg me to hook them up.

don't be surprised if you receive a royal fuck you.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Sometimes You Just Have To Say No

hows it going blog world? me? I'm cool, so i hadn't checked my emails today (which is very unusual) as when i did you can imagine, the phone went mad, so scrolling through and deleting what i deemed bullshit on the way i received a job offer. to do with some filming stateside, but had to turn it down, now your going to say why you stupid bastard arnt you.
well it just so happens i have other commitments here in the UK and until those are established and set in stone there is no point flying around the world on pipe dreams, see its like this, if i wanted someone to work for me i would break down in my introduction what i want, can you do it, this is what i will pay you and when can you start, those are the simplicity of the rules so until you do that or i see that in a email then what is the fucking point?
understandably everyone is trying to get ahead without paying or cashing in favours, not me go see someone with time on there hands. so there you have it folks.
hence sometimes you have to say no, not in a rude way definitely not, but until i see or hear what i have stated then i would never agree to it,
P's part two of any contract is for them to pay 20% in advance, this deletes any of the fuck ups or bullshit excuses that they have in hand for when you start the job, been there ain't going back.

on that not hope you all had a productive day.

more tips next time LOL
